We're moving. Yep, for serious. Hopefully to a house just down the road. Bigger bedrooms, newer house, less land. EXACTLY what my family needs right now. However, moving means just that; MOVING. The whole crazy process of packing, cleaning, re organizing, and learning to be comfortable in the NEW home dwelling. How long does it take for a new house to become your home?
I enrolled in the Bible School-Discipleship Course-Counseling-Theology-Worldview-Thing my church offers. It's pretty sweet. My little group of people I get to sit and study with are pretty awesome as well. Randi babe! You bless me! Every time I'm around you, be it for 5 min. or 3 hours, I leave feeling so uplifted, you rock! Anyways..back to the school itself: Lots of reading and self evaluation. I've been identifying ways my view of God is incorrect. Kinda painful sometimes, but good. It means I'll be able to go deeper in my relationship w/my best friend. That's always a good thing right?
Part of my homework:
I finished Chip Ingram's book:
AWESOME book. Made me take a close look at what I actually believe and why....really, I was challenged. Healthy processing for me. Yay!
The book I start this week is:
Should be good... :D
My little sister's birthday is tomorrow. Her first one in America.
It's a BIG DEAL. Princess party, pink cupcakes, presents, pop up jumpy castles....
We are so excited to BLESS this little soon-to-be 10 year old joy who is now a part of my crazy wonderful family. :D
The nucleus of my life. The center of my world (other than my Father-but you know:). The core of what I do. This ministry, that I help direct. Nearly daily blows my mind. I plan and plan and plan and give it all to God. And WOW. I'm astounded by what comes out of what my flawed being tries so hard to create mixed with the AWESOME, HOLY power the Almighty graciously gives. I mean, I realize there is NO WAY I could EVER do the stuff I get to do all by my onesy. But with Him, all things are possible. I have also been BLESSED with an amayzing team of volunteers and the coolest co-director ever. MCT-your passion rocks, the kids love you and God's gonna work some amayzing things through this ministry this year! God is good. All the time, and all the time, God is good. I feel blessed. ALOT.
"Embra". 'member her? my bestie? my awesome buddy? my other half? ya...gone again. Moved back away overseas. This time-no tears on my part yay! Gonna miss her....like crazy...all our late night FRIENDS marathons, crazy Phoebe obsessions, LCC companionship, silent laughter, hurting faces, rants on her bed, and just the overall everything we had together... specially since my other good buddy moved away too...Leaving me 'good buddy-less'. Isn't that sad? Guess it's time to find new friends...
Me and Embra on one of our "Little Cruise Club" outings...more on those later...
This is my other buddy-after 'kidnapping' me for my 19th birthday from another party to bring me to MY surprise party at my house. They were not gentle...but it was fun! :D
On the other hand, my wonderful Hippo friend is back in town until December at least.
Which means we can go Hippo Shopping! YAY! Again...more on that later...
Last thing for now:
I LOVE MY iPod TOUCH!! I bought one back in feb. and it was cool and everything...but I recently downloaded the newest software... and Oh My Goodness! It has changed my life! I now believe that I own the sweetest iPod EVER! All the new applications have blown my mind. Totally thrilled...happy happy happy happy Ashlie!
*This is NOT an actual picture of my iPod-Cause mine is much cooler with LOTS more applications. :D
On a distracted side note: my favorite band right now is Angels & Airwaves. Their song 'Breathe' LOVE LOVE LOVE. :D
So there's a mini snapshot into Ashlie's current insane life...hope you enjoyed it.