Does your heart not BREAK over the cries of these forgotten children?
How about when you think that they are a few...out of 143 MILLION orphans around the world?
Of those millions, how many are chained to cribs because of mental disabilities-left to waste away without love or care?
How many are bound in slavery until the physical labor, wracking disease or simply the failure to thrive steals their lives?
How many live feeling abandoned, unwanted, in the way, un-loved, forgotten and abused?
How many have been considered 'cursed' due to a stigma in their culture due to an uneven amount of fingers or toes, missing a limb, or because their top teeth grow in first? These 'cursed' children are tossed aside and left to die for fear of the 'curses' they may bring to their family and village.
How many baby girls will be victims of gendercide? Is a female child of less value than a male?
How many have their childhoods stolen away to care for their families because there is no one else?
It breaks my heart...
In the scope of everything, 143 million is daunting. Paralyzing. Incomprehensible. What could 1 person possibly do to even make a dent in that number?
The truth? Not much. One person can't fix this...
If everyone does SOMETHING. The concept of the 'orphan' could be eradicated.
Child sponsorship is a GREAT way to do this. World Vision, Compassion, World Help, New Generations Ministry's and Starfish Ministry are EXCELLENT sources for sponsorship. I LOVE sponsorship-because it raises up leaders. It gives entire generations hope. And with healthy generations, we can see change around the world.
Adoption is another option. I read on a friends blog that TODAY ALONE 200 new orphans became legally free and paper ready in China. In my family, there are 7 kids. Of those 7, 5 have been adopted. Including me. (by my AWESOME dad :). Giving kids a forever family is something that cannot be replaced-even by the best orphanage.
And lets not forget about foster kids. There are waiting kids in the US who get bounced from home to home to a time when identities are formed and ideals are set, it's a terrible thing to not be wanted or to not know where you are going to sleep at night.
Above everything else, there is prayer. This is something EVERYONE can do. Let's bombard Heaven with our prayers for the orphan. Our Father LOVES the orphan and grieves deeply to see them hurting. He will hear us from Heaven and will answer us. So let us ask. And let us see children healed.
Obviously this is just the tip of the ice burg...but it's what's on my heart. Please don't just listen and feel sad. Let it stir you to action.
Be blessed, and remember the orphan...