February 1, 2009

25 Randoms

I got sucked into the facebook trend-everyone is doing them...so I thought I'd post mine here as well... enjoy. :P

1. My favorite thing to do is to pretend. I'm constantly trying on odd clothes-the people i work with often think i'm insane- and becoming someone else. I love story telling and theatre because of it.

2. i'm untidy...my desk, my room...i live with piles. i know (mostly) where things are in my piles, and thats how i like it.

3. i NEED things to be symmetrical, in odd numbers, and able to collapse into 1. My aunt i think is the only person who TRULY understands this about me

4. I can sleep ANYWHERE. buses, trains, floors, light, dark, sitting, standing...ok maybe not standing...but hey i guess i've never tried. i developed this skill while traveling. its very handy.

5. i'm a type 1 diabetic and a carboholic....i'd say a deadly combination...pasta and breads-oh how i love thee...

6. I usually dislike chic flicks-i prefer a good action film...but becoming jane makes me cry...every time. I'm an austen girl at heart.

7. when i was little, my parents would ground me from reading. i LOVE books.

8. knitting is therapeutic for me...all my unfinished projects testify to that. my hands CONSTANTLY need something to do-knitting, crocheting, silly putty, filing my nails, doodling, finger spelling, etc. etc.

9. 'there are DOZENS of us!' i'm an AVID arrested development fan

10. i prefer watching movies and tv shows with sub titles. it comes from watching bollywood films in hindi... i'm a dork but i don't care.

11. my middle name is my sisters first name: victoria

12. i have the BEST job in the world-i get to teach dozens of kids each week about Jesus. and get to be a total spaz about it. 

13. having a strong personality combination of otter and beaver makes me a squirrel.

14. i spend WAY too much time on facebook...i guess you could call it an addiction

15. my current favorite color is purple. it makes me happy. i wear something purple everyday.

16. someday, i'd like a pet snake.

17. the sound of styrofoam feels like someone is rubbing velcro up and down all my bones. it makes me want to scream. 

18. my hair is curly-please don't touch it. its very difficult to manipulate...and often rebels against my gentle pleads to lie still and in order. 

19. i'm very afraid of being trapped underwater-not of water itself, just being trapped...under it...

20. someday, i'd love to hang glide and bungie jump. but never sky dive-or ride in a submarine (see answer 19) 

21. sometimes...i think i will become the crazy cat lady who teaches children how to act, has pink hair and wears lots and lots of tie dye...another part of me denies it with everything in me...

22. Jesus loves me, and i love love love love Him. remove Him from my life and you'd have one nasty, vile, disturbed, vicious, horrendous hurting little girl...because of Him, I live free. and whole. with purpose. with hope.

23. my bestest best friend lives on another continent. i see her randomly and sporatically but i love her more than a sister. amberly, i miss you!

24. working with a bunch of women occasionally makes me not ever want to be married or have kids...they make me laugh-poor tyler...if its rough for me, i can't imagine what its like for him. 

25. I'd much rather plan everything than to be spontaneous. i like order and process-i see end results better than dreaming up ideas.
hmmm...guess thats 25.... :)


Running towards the goal said...

Just F.Y.I Ashlie...I totally understand the whole idea of things being symmetrical and in odd numbers. I thought I was the only one on Earth that thought like that. I'm glad to know of someone else that thinks the same way I do :D

Anonymous said...

Your blog looks wonderful. I love Jane Austen. I have pride and prejudice next to my pillow and I just open it to random pages and read. I also LOVE Becoming Jane. I secretly rent it from netflix over and over and watch it when no one is home so they dont think I am obsessed. Oh and I have pride and prejudice on DVR for the last year, my husband keeps asking when he can erase it. never!